
17th Annual Cruz Reynoso Gala

On April 5th, 2019, La Raza celebrated the 17th Annual Hon. Cruz Reynoso Fellowship Gala. We celebrated the legacy of Cruz Reynoso the first Latinx judge to serve on the CA Supreme Court and the fellowship recipients. We ate good food, danced, and laughed all night. This year our Keynote was Judge Elizabeth G. Macias. In her speech, she reminded us that we need to help one another and to serve as mentors for future generation so we can uplift one another.

We recognized Kazan, MoFo, and Kirkland for over a decade of sponsorship to the fellowship. We also recognized the Academic Skills Program Director and Associate Director, Professor Kristen Holmquist and Professor Diana DiGennaro for their commitment to the academic success of students of color.

Our theme this year was, “Tu eres mi otro yo, por eso seguimos pa’lante; you are my other self, and so, we persevere.”that everyone has wisdom and knowledge to share. We hope everyone left that night with the reminder that when we come together as one we are stronger and more resilient than when we are alone. The Hon. Cruz Reynoso Fellowship is a great example of the power and impact that community can have. Back in 2002, La Raza Law Students Association created the fellowship for members pursuing social justice internships and judicial externships. Over the first two years of the fellowships the association raised $60K to start the fellowship. The fellowship has now been sustained for seventeen years through the collective contributions of students, alumni, non-profits, law firms, and allies who understand the value of serving communities who lack access and believe that everyone deserves justice. This year we kept that legacy alive by awarding the largest number of scholarships in the history of the fellowship, and raising over 60K to continue the fight ahead!

Raza Tahoe Retreat

We all need a break from our day-to-day lives every once in a while. Why not escape from our realities while building community? Last weekend, Raza students made their way from Berkeley up to Lake Tahoe for a relaxing weekend in the snow. We built snowmen, played board games, ate family-style meals and enjoyed each others’ company for the weekend. We hope we are able to continue this amazing tradition!

Zumba with Maribel

On Sunday morning, we burned off some calories together to get us ready for a day of studying. We got together on the school’s courtyard with our water bottles and high spirits. Thank you to our wonderful classmate Maribel who is a certified Zumba instructor for taking some time to teach us some cool moves while getting a good workout in! Afterwards, we indulged in some healthy snacks and went on our way to a productive Sunday. Can every Sunday be this productive?

2018-11-04 Zumba.jpg

Cross-Affinity Mixer

In La Raza we pride ourselves on fostering the Latinx community on campus, but we are also all about strengthening our relationships with our other POC peers. This weekend La Raza hosted a cross-affinity mixer along with the Law Students of African Descent, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, and Native American Law Students Associations at Berkeley Law! One of our lovely 1Ls hosted us in his home for a mixer before we all headed out to a club in Oakland. It was a great night of dancing, fun, and meeting friends in other groups.

Dodgers v. Giants Game

Everyone knows baseball is America's favorite pastime, so it's no wonder that one of La Raza's fall traditions is a trip to the ballpark. Given the makeup of the group, there's only one matchup we want to see: Dodgers v. Giants. While there are a few fiercely loyal Giants fans (myself included... we live in the Bay Area, people!), it's undeniable that the majority of Raza baseball fans love the Dodgers. This semester's trip to the beautiful AT&T Park included lots of bonding, lots of garlic fries, and lots of trash talk. Ultimately, the Dodgers prevailed with a score of 10 to 6. And while some hearts were broken, everyone had a great time. See you on the field for the next one! 

Fridays @ OMCA

Law school is not just about reading cases or understanding the black letter law. There's also time for fun and study breaks! This past weekend La Raza Law Students Association hosted a group outing at the Oakland Museum of California. Aside from learning about the history of California, we also enjoyed the food truck scene as well as grooving to live music. Stay tuned for our next outing. 

Association of Latino Marin Attorneys (ALMA) Mixer

As future Latinx attorneys, we appreciate the importance of networking and building strong relationships within the legal field. That is why some of us boarded a ferry for the first time and attended the ALMA mixer on Friday, September 14, 2018. Not only were we able to meet with practicing attorneys in all areas of law but also connected with students from UC Hastings’ La Raza Law Students Association. We bonded over our law school woes and headed out for a fun night in San Francisco. Looking forward to connecting with Hastings students again!

Welcome Carne Asada BBQ

On Saturday, August 25th we hosted our Welcome (Back) Carne Asada and Vegan Cookout to welcome our students both new and returning to the Berkeley Law La Raza community. We had a record number of attendees and were able to introduce our Raza 1Ls to our students but more importantly to the amazing programs/events we have planned for this semester. We bonded over burgers and beer and shared the “wisdom”and advice that was passed onto us from our Raza upperclassmen. Our Raza 1Ls were filled with knowledge and expressed how welcoming and genuine our community is. Our 2018-19 board considers this our first success at building our amazing community for this academic year.