Cruz Reynoso Committee

The Cruz Reynoso Gala 2020 planning is underway! At our first meeting, the Committee of 1L, 2L, and 3L La Raza students (and one undergraduate bear) decided on our theme for this year: Latinx Excellence: La Lucha Por la Justicia! We are also in the process of scoping out this year’s speaker! We are so excited to fundraise even more money this year to support Latinx law students who pursue public interest work. Cruz Reynoso scholarship recipients last year used the fellowship to pay for rent, food, and allowed them to do work they were truly passionate about. If you are interested in attending the event or sponsoring, please reach out to the Cruz Reynoso Gala Co-Chairs Karla Maradiaga, karla.maradiaga@berkeley.eduor Rosa Hernandez
